Why you shouldn’t use Protein Powder

Why you shouldn’t use Protein Powder

The essence of protein powder is to add additional supplements to our food, thereby providing a healthy living. The use of protein powders is becoming increasingly popular over the years. Many people are beginning to make use of it because it is believed to have so...
Medications to Avoid with Chronic Kidney Disease

Medications to Avoid with Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a serious condition where the kidneys don’t function properly. To avoid additional damage, it is important for people with CKD to understand which medications are safe for them to take and which ones to avoid. Here are some common...
The Link between Oxalate and Kidney Stones

The Link between Oxalate and Kidney Stones

Oxalate is a type of salt found in certain foods, such as spinach, rhubarb, and chocolate. It can also be produced by the body through the breakdown of certain proteins. While oxalate is a normal part of human metabolism and can be beneficial to our bodies in small...