Chronic Kidney Disease is an incurable irreversible condition characterized by a slow and progressive decrease in kidney function. Progressively, when the kidneys can not clear the waste products effectively anymore, kidney failure may develop, which is accompanied by high blood pressure or other complications. Although CKD has no concrete cure at present, there remain a few ways to slow the process and promote general wellness.

When it comes to the treatment of chronic kidney disease at Dr. Bismah’s clinic, we apply the holistic approach. Teamwork is important and we create the specific treatment plans each client requires, considering healthy lifestyle, medications and diet modifications.

One of the medications that have been proven to help control CKD is Farxiga (dapagliflozin). But How does Farxiga work for chronic kidney disease (CKD)?

Farxiga: A New Weapon in the War Against CKD

Farxiga is one of the SGLT2 inhibitors that is crucial in managing chronic kidney disease. Through its interference with the protein found in the kidneys, which facilitates glucose reentry from the urine back into the bloodstream, it distracts the body to moreover eliminating sugar through urination; leading to reduced blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

What exactly can this mechanism offer those living with chronic kidney disease? Herein lies its purpose.

1. Reducing Kidney Strain

Poor kidney function can impede the removal of excess sugar from the blood, further straining kidneys and hastening chronic kidney disease progression. Farxiga’s ability to lower blood sugar levels through increased excretion helps ease this burden on renal organs and accelerate CKD progression.

2. Blood Pressure Regulation 

Increased blood pressure can worsen chronic kidney disease, further exacerbating its damage. Recent research indicates that Farxiga may help lower blood pressure – providing two potential advantages to those living with CKD.

3. Cardiovascular Protection

Individuals living with chronic kidney disease are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Farxiga may help lower heart failure hospitalization risks in certain patients and thus provide extra cardiovascular safeguarding benefits.

Farxiga should be recognized as an essential aid in the management and improvement of chronic kidney disease, although not act as a definitive cure. It provides valuable disease management capabilities while simultaneously improving overall health outcomes.

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How Does Farxiga Work?

Farxiga is an effective drug because it is focused on SGLT2 protein in the kidney in order to assist those suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease. Through this process, we want to learn about the working of the mechanism and the impact for people suffering with this chronic health concern.

SGLT2’s Role

In general, SGLT2 acts as a gatekeeper in your kidneys by orchestrating glucose reabsorption from the urine back into your system – this regulation process helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Farxiga as an SGLT2 Inhibitor

Farxiga acts like a disrupter to this system by impeding SGLT2. By acting to block it, It effectively shuts the gate that leads to glucose absorption recirculation in your body and delays any significant amount of it returning therein.

Positive Outcomes of This Blockade for Individuals Living with Chronic Kidney Disease

  • Blood Sugar Level Reduction: As glucose reabsorption drops, more is excreted through urine excretion to help decrease blood sugar levels, particularly beneficial to those suffering from diabetes and prediabetes, both common co-morbidities for CKD patients.
  • Increased Kidney Strain: With chronic kidney disease (CKD), compromised kidney function often makes excreting excess sugar more challenging, adding further strain on an already struggling organ. Farxiga helps ease this burden through expedited glucose excretion thereby improving the efficiency of this vital system.

Farxiga Goes Beyond Blood Sugar Control

Research indicates Farxiga may provide benefits beyond managing blood glucose, such as:

  • Lower Blood Pressure: Farxiga can also reduce blood pressure, making its use a powerful aid in managing chronic kidney disease. Farxiga’s ability to lower blood pressure adds another step toward effective CKD management.
  • Cardiovascular Protection: Chronic kidney disease increases your risk for cardiovascular problems; Farxiga has shown promise in helping certain patients reduce the likelihood of hospitalization for heart failure.

Read more: How Diabetes Influences Treatment and Outcomes in Kidney Disease?

Who May Benefit From Farxiga? 

Farxiga may not be suitable for every CKD patient. Your healthcare team should evaluate several factors before prescribing Farxiga to you, including its side-effect profile and medical condition as part of an evaluation for its appropriateness. It can benefit individuals regardless of diabetes status; its effectiveness may be more noticeable among those who already have elevated blood sugar. 

  • As for overall health issues, certain medical conditions could prevent its use; treatment decisions depend on severity.
  • CKD Severity: Treatment decisions depend on stage CKD severity. 
  • Whilst Farxiga benefits can extend to both those living with and those without increased blood sugar, its efficacy may be enhanced among individuals living with higher levels.

Dr. Bismah’s Practice

Living with chronic kidney disease presents its own set of unique challenges. At Dr. Bismah’s practice, we aim to equip you with all of the tools and support required for effectively managing it. Keep in mind, though, that you don’t have to go through CKD alone – we advise scheduling an appointment with Dr. Bismah so she can discuss treatment options and devise a personalized plan to effectively manage the CKD journey!