Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disorder characterized by numerous cysts known as polycysts developing in the kidneys. Unfortunately, PKD is not curable at the moment, but introducing healthy lifestyle changes with the help of natural remedies will significantly enhance the quality of life and control the disease’s progression. However, How to treat polycystic kidney disease naturally? Here in our blog, we provide information on natural ways in order for you to regain control of your health with Polycystic Kidney Disease!

Polycystic Kidney Disease: The First Step Towards Knowledge

PKD can be divided into two major types.

  • Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease: This is the common type that is being diagnosed in adulthood and has a 50 chance of being inherited to the next generation.
  • Autosomal recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease: This one is a recessive version of the disease, it is caused by mutations in both copies of certain genes and commonly appears during childhood.

Some of the symptoms that may be evident in PKD include hypertension, pain in the flank or abdomen, haematuria and recurrent urinary system infection. Consulting an expert nephrologist such as Dr. Bismah Irfan as soon as possible to develop an effective individualized treatment and management plan.

Read more: What happens to the body when you have polycystic kidney disease?

Dietary Management for PKD

Understanding the Diet for a Healthy Body Diet is one of the keys to managing PKD naturally and therefore is crucial to any health plan. Much like your car requires premium-grade gasoline to perform optimally, your body also thrives with proper nutrients to function optimally and make a significant difference to overall well-being with PKD.

The Impact of Food

So the general notion of eating healthy is not restricted to the management of weight. Accumulated nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, and anti-oxidants in ratios that we can easily access reduces inflammation, ensures normal blood pressure and kidney health.

Dietary Strategies for PKD Patients

  • Taming the Salt Shaker: Excess sodium consumption can play an enormous role in raising blood pressure. Aim to limit processed food, add herbs and spices for flavor instead, and gradually lower how much salt you’re using when cooking.
  • Protein as a Balance Act: Protein plays an essential role in building and repairing tissues, but too much may put strain on your kidneys. A registered dietitian can assist in determining an ideal intake that suits both body weight and kidney function requirements.
  • Hydration Is Key: Drinking enough fluids throughout the day is vital in flushing away waste products and diluting cyst fluid, particularly while exercising or in hot weather. Dr. Bismah Irfan can assist with providing advice about an ideal amount based on individual needs.
  • Out with the Bad, In with the Good: Processed foods laden with sodium, unhealthy fats, and added sugar should be limited as part of an overall strategy to promote better overall health. Instead, incorporate more whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber essential to overall well-being.

Experience of Registered Dietitians

Registered dietitians are healthcare professionals trained specifically in nutrition. Their experts can craft an individualized dietary plan tailored specifically to you based on factors like stage of PKD, other health conditions, and lifestyle considerations; furthermore, they provide advice regarding potassium or phosphorus limitations that might apply in cases of PKD patients.

By consulting a registered dietitian, you can create an achievable and satisfying eating plan to support kidney health and overall well-being!

Move Your Body, Improve Your Health 

treat polycystic kidney disease naturally

Exercise offers many health advantages for individuals living with PKD; here’s why:

  • Blood Pressure Management: Physical activity helps manage blood pressure levels for those living with polycystic kidney disease (PKD).
  • Overall Health Boost: Making exercise an integral component of their health regimen and well-being, including improving their cardiovascular fitness, stamina, and mood.
  • Low-Impact Activities: Select low-impact exercises that are easy on your joints, such as walking, swimming, or yoga. Listen to your body as gradually increase activity levels – starting small sessions before gradually expanding them is key!

Natural Supplements and Herbs 

It should be kept in mind that no consensus has yet been reached among scientists regarding herbal treatments for PKD. While studies of certain herbs, such as curcumin, have demonstrated potential advantages, additional research must be completed to confirm both efficacy and safety for patients living with the disorder.

Important Reminder: Before taking supplements, consult with a healthcare professional first so as not to interact with current medications or worsen your condition. 

Read more about “Autoimmune Disease that cause body odor’ here!

Combatting Stress Monster

Chronic stress can wreak havoc with blood pressure levels and worsen PKD management. Here are a few strategies for relieving it:

  • Meditation: Meditation practices may promote relaxation and inner peace while attenuating stress levels.
  • Yoga: It offers a holistic solution for stress management by combining physical postures, and meditation techniques into one program. 
  • Breathing Exercises: These provide another effective means of relieving tension. 

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

As well as following these points, here are additional lifestyle practices that contribute to optimal kidney health:

  • Getting Enough Sleep: For the best kidney health outcomes, aim for at least eight hours of quality restful sleep every night to allow your body the time it needs for recovery and repair.
  • Smoking Cessation: Cigarettes have long been proven to damage overall health, including that of your kidneys. Thus, quitting smoking should be among the top priorities when it comes to improving overall well-being. 
  • Limit Alcohol Intake: Drinking too much alcohol may dehydrate you while simultaneously stressing out your kidneys further – thus moderation should always be maintained!

Empower Yourself!

Naturally Living with Polycystic Kidney Disease requires taking an aggressive stance. By adopting natural strategies such as eating healthily, regularly exercising, managing stress effectively, and living a healthier lifestyle – such as making visits to Dr. Bismah Irfan for personalized guidance – you can significantly enhance both well-being and manage progression more effectively. With knowledge, proactive measures, and qualified support professionals by your side, PKD journeying will become less daunting over time!