Chronic Kidney Disease can be defined as the progressive decline in the kidney’s functioning ability. Kidneys are responsible for the expulsion of waste products from the blood, regulation of blood pressure, hormone production, and removal of excess fluids from the body – when these functions are disrupted there are severe consequences that result in severe medical conditions.

It is common knowledge that factors that may predispose one to CKD include diabetes and high blood pressure, but others are not very well known. This post by Dr Bismah Irfan – a kidney expert doctor – describes the relationship between Social Determinants of Health and Chronic Kidney Disease.

Social Determinants of Health (SDoH)

The US Department of Health and Human Services defines SDoH as “place and circumstances that shape a person’s life from conception to old age”. Such conditions determine one’s health prospects and the potential to live a rich and satisfying life to the utmost extent. Below are examples of some key SDoH factors:

Food Security

Easier and cheaper access to quality foods is important in preventing chronic diseases, and therefore those groups of people are at risk of developing complications of diabetes and high blood pressure, which are among the CKD risk factors. Poor food security increases the chances of CKD due to its risk factors such as diabetes and high blood pressure that patients in this category will find difficult to manage.

Housing Stability

Accommodation environments, especially living spaces, play a significant role in physical and mental health; therefore, it is essential for homeless individuals or those in substandard housing environments, who are already predisposed to worsening CKD.

Transportation Access

Transportation enables people to get to doctors’ appointments, supermarkets, and other essential services required for well-being; limited transport could be a hindrance to preventive care and CKD management.


Maintaining an environment free from environmental toxins and pollutants is integral for overall well-being, including CKD. Exposure can increase your risk.

Basic Utilities

The availability of clean water and sanitation is crucial to preventing the spread of diseases and enhancing people’s health.

SDoH Can be Beneficial in the Management of CKD

  • Reduced Access to Healthy Food Options: This is because a restricted supply of health-promoting foods is associated with unhealthful diets, high rates of obesity, and diabetes which are all established risk factors for chronic kidney disease.
  • Delayed Diagnosis: Some of the patients who participated in the study resided in a low-income setting and could not access healthcare facilities, which hinders early detection and treatment of CKD resulting in faster deterioration.

Concisely, one may find that genetics and family history are critical contributors to the onset of chronic kidney disease; nonetheless, SDoH is often the root cause.

Challenges To Healthy Living

Residents in under-resourced communities frequently face difficulty accessing resources needed for leading healthy lives, including:

  • Limited Access to Fresh Produce: The quality and accessibility of fresh fruits and vegetables might be higher in low-income communities – this is why, such a population is at risk of experiencing nutritional deficiencies.
  • Lack of safe and cost-effective gyms/recreational facilities: Chronic kidney disease requires the patient to engage in regular exercise, but safe exercise facilities in specific populations are limited.
  • Lack of Health Insurance or an Attending Physician: If a patient does not have health insurance or a primary care physician or any form of insurance, preventive care and early detection common in CKD will not occur.

The Role of Race in Chronic Kidney Disease

Social Determinants of Health and Chronic Kidney Disease

The prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease in the United States is alarming and the statistics show that out of the total population of American adults, 37 million suffer from this disease. African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans seem to be more affected than the other groups in the US. Any inequalities may be a result of race, but they are attributed to social wrongdoings that lead to a higher risk of CKD within such groups.

Root Cause of Chronic Illness

Through historical social, economic, and political decisions that favor certain communities over others, they have created inequalities that manifest as SDoH disparities that contribute to health disparities; communities without access to healthy food options, safe housing solutions, or quality healthcare are more prone to experiencing chronic illnesses like CKD.

For more knowledge, read out our blog post on phosphorus food and CKD!

Dr. Bismah Irfan – Your Partner in Kidney Care

At Dr. Bismah Irfan’s Holistic Kidney Care practice, we understand the relationship between Social Determinants of Health and Chronic Kidney Disease. That is why our focus lies on providing comprehensive yet compassionate care at all stages.

As part of our services to assist with managing kidney health, we provide; 

  • Personalized treatment plans: These plans are customized specifically for each person’s unique circumstances and needs.
  • Nutritional Guidance: Our team can assist in designing a renal-friendly diet to promote overall health and well-being. 
  • Medication Management: We collaborate closely with you in understanding any medications prescribed, their potential side effects, and possible interactions.
  • Education and Support: At our center, we offer ongoing educational assistance to assist with managing CKD effectively.

Reach Out with any concerns you have regarding your kidney health! Make an appointment with Dr. Bismah Irfan as early diagnosis and management are vital components to living a long and fulfilling life with chronic kidney disease!